The Rebate program is no longer accepting new applications. The program may be offered in the future if funding is available.
The purpose of this project is to provide an incentive for residents to make security enhancements, making Hale, Page, Diamond Lake neighborhoods more secure and less attractive to criminals. The HPDL Community Association (HPDL) will provide a rebate for the first $100 in expenses for eligible improvements per address.
Rebate criteria
All residential properties within HPDL neighborhoods, owner-occupied or rented, qualify to receive a rebate. Multiple applications may be submitted, but the total of rebates for any address is limited to $100. Rebates will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available. HPDL requires all participants to provide photo(s) to document all improvements made and reserves the right to verify through inspection that claimed work was done and purchases were installed. Receipts need to be dated on or after March 1, 2020 to qualify.
Eligible improvements:
Exterior security lighting fixtures (flood lights, motion detectors, dusk-to-dawn adapters) including any necessary wiring and electrical work
Exterior security cameras and video doorbells including any necessary wiring and electrical work
Deadbolt locks, including electronic "smart" locks, on exterior and garage access doors
Window or sliding door security locks or restraints
NOT eligible:
Rental charges
Personal installation time or “sweat equity”
Monthly monitoring or service fees for security camera systems
Batteries, light bulbs or other consumables
Rebate process
Residents submit a completed reimbursement form, photo of completed work, along with original receipts dated on or after March 1, 2020 (online or by mail). Digital images of receipts are accepted. HDPL verifies compliance and issues a rebate check. HPDL retains all submitted forms and attachments. If a rebate is denied, a resident may bring an appeal before HPDL.
To begin, download the HPDL Residential Security Rebate form here.